Outdoor Learning
Our next LVS Outdoor Learning Day will be on Tuesday 11th of March.
As part of our science week package, we will be undertaking a number of outdoor activities related to the theme 'change and adapt'. We will also be planting lots more flowers in the playground to add to our previously planted rainbow.
Reception and KS1 children will spend the majority of the day in their colour groups, so they will have a chance to work with children and teachers from different year groups.
Nursery children will also take part in a number of outdoor activities with their own class.
Children can wear their own clothes for the day. We recommend:
Joggers / tracksuit bottoms,
Vests and T-shirts,
Hoodies/ jumpers,
Wellies and puddle suits/ waterproofs (as one activity includes water!)
If wearing wellies, please also bring in a pair of trainers to wear at lunchtime.
Children will get muddy, and they will be outside all day regardless of the weather, so please add more layers than you would normally do to keep them warm.
Any questions please talk to your class teacher.