At Lightwater Village school, we aim to promote positive mental and physical health for every member of our staff and all of our children. The whole school community’s emotional wellbeing and mental health are at the heart of the culture and ethos of our school. All children will be listened to, are happy together and are ready to learn from one another. By promoting positive mental and physical health, we are equipping children with the skills and strategies they need to manage their emotions and maintain healthy relationships and lifestyles, therefore preparing them for modern day life.
Curriculum Intentions
A high quality PSHE curriculum provides each and every child with the opportunity to explore themselves, their relationships and the world around them. By following the Kapow Scheme, our children will be supported throughout their school life to be healthy, safe and prepared. Our spiral curriculum ensures full coverage of personal, social, health and economical education across all year groups. By building on previous years’ learning our children are not starting from scratch, rather they are activating their prior knowledge and deepening their understanding in every lesson. Teaching points that may arise throughout the school day will be addressed in an adhoc manner to ensure quick and effective resolutions.
Within our curriculum, we follow the statutory guidance for Relationships Education and Health Education so that fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults can be built. In PSHE lessons, children will be given the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings in a safe and respectful environment. We embrace and celebrate the differences among us to enable the children to appreciate the diverse communities. Alongside this, the children will be taught a range of strategies to apply in a wide variety of situations, continuously developing their independence and empowering the children to make positive decisions about their own health and wellbeing. In line with guidance from 2020, by teaching this way we are supporting all of our young people to be happy, healthy and safe, as well as equipping them for life as an adult in British society.
Curriculum Implementation
In EYFS, our children are taught the required skills through all areas of the EYFS curriculum via discrete lessons and the continuous provision. The most relevant statements for PSHE are taken from the following areas of learning:
• Communication and Language
• Personal, Social and Emotional Development
• Physical Development
• Understanding the World
Our KS1 PSHE curriculum follows a whole school approach that consists of five areas of learning:
• Families and relationships
• Health and wellbeing
• Safety and the changing body
• Citizenship
• Economic wellbeing
Our lessons provide a progressive programme and each area is revisited every year to allow children to build on prior learning. The lessons are based upon the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health education, but where our lessons go beyond these requirements (primarily in the Citizenship and Economic wellbeing areas) they refer to the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study which is recommended by the DfE.
Our subject lead regularly monitors the progression of each area across the year groups to ensure high quality teaching and learning. Staff are continuously being developed by providing the support that each individual teacher may require. CPD sessions are held to further build staff confidence and share good practice. Differentiation is planned for and enables teachers to make accurate assessments of where the children are in their learning. To support the Equality Act, we have chosen a variety of texts have been chosen to further support learning about different families, the negative effect of stereotypes and celebrating differences, in addition to the inclusion of diverse teaching resources throughout the lessons. Cross-curricular links are also planned for, especially through English and Oracy. Staff are also encouraged to take learning outside as much as possible to further promote the children’s engagement and curiosity of the world around them.
Curriculum Impact
The impact of the curriculum design is that our children will leave Lightwater Village School as well rounded, confident, and caring young people. They will be able to express their thoughts and feelings in a respectful manner, identify and maintain healthy relationships and know how to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations.
The subject lead will monitor the progress of the children through our purpose designed assessment grids. Through the use of Assessment quizzes and Knowledge catchers, staff will be confident to discuss the children they teach and their own practice that has led to the successful outcomes. Floorbooks will demonstrate the journey the children take in their learning, as well as exercise books when relevant. Pupil voice will show high levels of engagement in the subject and children will be able to use and discuss the strategies they have been taught both in and outside of school. Once taught the full scheme, children will have met the objectives set out within the Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance and can utilise their learning within their daily lives, from dealing with friendship issues to resilience to making healthy choices and knowing where and how to get help when needed.
"learning about how to stay healthy" - Reception Child
"It's when you learn how to stay safe on the internet. We learn about feelings. Learning how to sort things out if you're stuck" - Year 1 Child
"Learning how to calm down when I'm cross or upset (eg: counting to 10). When we went on the field and used our senses. When we did different activities across the school." - Year 2 Child
PSHE Lead - Mrs N Green
Wellbeing is at the heart of our schools vision of ‘Achieving Excellence Together’. Wellbeing at our school seeks to equip our children with the skills they need to be healthy, happy and safe. It incorporates the programme of study from the PSHE Association (which includes objectives meeting Relationship and Sex Education); The Thrive Approach, E-Safety, Anti-Bullying and Mindfulness strategies to support children’s emotional wellbeing and mental health. Our aim is for wellbeing to underpin all aspects of our curriculum so that our children can be the best they can be.
Useful Websites: Has information regarding mental health. - This site contains information on mental health and tips for young people and their carers. – A website with lots of ideas on how to cope in distress - Has lots of ideas on mindfulness for parents and kids
This page will be updated regularly with things we are doing in school, strategies and links.
What is RHE?
Relationship and Health Education in our school is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils, and involved learning about relationships, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity. It is taught as part of our Wellbeing curriculum. Our curriculum does not contain sex education. Chidlren are taught vocabulary relating to physical anatomy.
- Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
- Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene
- Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
- Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships
- Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies
Relationships education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of postive relationships including:
- Families and people who care for me
- Caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe
PSHEL VS Subject skills progressionPSHE LVS Subject knowledge progression
Knowledge Organisers