Snow Procedure
Dear Parents/Carers,
In light of the predicted inclement weather forecast, we have reviewed our snow/school closure procedures and would like to make you aware of these in the event of any required action.
- IF we have heavy snowfall predicted or otherwise, we will CANCEL breakfast club before 6:00am and the relevant group of parents will be informed.
- This DOES NOT mean that the school will be closed as we then need time to assess the ability of staff to get into the schools and the safety/accessibility of routes into the sites.
- We will make a decision on whether to close the school or not by 7:00am and this will be communicated via the schools websites and parentmail.
- If school remains open; we may adopt a staggered start to allow for pupils and staffing to arrive safely and may have to close the Mount Pleasant pathway – this will be communicated at the time.
- If school is closed, online learning will be provided for the children via SeeSaw and expectations and access will be communicated at the time.
We will always endeavour to remain open and communicate all decisions in a clear and timely fashion.
Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding,
Mrs Parsons